How Jurgen Klopp’s ‘Heavy Metal Football’
Turns Teams into Goal Scoring Machines
Are you a ‘Jurgen Klopp’ fan? You soon will be after discovering how one of the modern game’s strategic masters used this playing style to turn Liverpool into a goal scoring powerhouse.
Here is what you will gain from this guide:
- The principles that underpin Liverpool’s play all season
- A detailed analysis of Klopp’s four tactical phases
- Training drills that put the theory into practice
- Case studies of four Liverpool games
- How Liverpool uses ‘gegenpressing’ to create endless goal attempts
- How Liverpool locks down opponents so they can’t build from the back
- Top 10 key points for building high intensity training sessions
WORLD CLASS COACHING's Tactical Series - Jurgen Klopp is perfect for fans of Liverpool’s high intensity, counter pressing playing style and any coach that wants to improve their team’s goal scoring record. After reading this eBook, you’ll know how to turn defensive phases into attacks like lightning and bring the spirit of ‘Heavy Metal Football’ to your side.

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