4-4-2 Defending
Here is what you will find in this book:
- The principles of play when not in possession of the ball and defending
- The strengths and weaknesses of the 4-4-2
- The critical key principles when defending in the 4-4-2
- When and where to move to support your teammates
- The roles and responsibilities of each player/position in the 4-4-2 formation
- The different variations of the 4-4-2 and why it's important to choose the one that best suits your players
Claudio Ranieri's Leicester City, who defied all odds and won the English Premier League Championship in 2016, are a good recent example of a well played 4-4-2 formation. The 4-4-2 with a good level of organization where players understand their roles and responsibilities can be a difficult team to defend against.
The 4-4-2 formation has a strength of allowing you to flood the midfield and dominate possession. When not in possession you can form two lines of four as a sold defensive block.
There are many different ways to play the 4-4-2, especially when defending. 4-4-2 Defending, takes a look at the different options you have with the 4-4-2 when in not possession of the ball and when defending.
If you want to slow the opposition with a good, solid and organized defense, then take a look at this eBook.

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4-4-2 Defending
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